1. You father got 3 shirts and 2 pants for Christmas holiday. How many ways the shirts and pants can be combined? |
2. There are 5 books which have to be arranged in 3 rows. No row should be empty. How many ways you can arrange them?
3. Find the number of ways to take 4 people and place them in 3 groups. How many ways they can be grouped? |
4. You have 5 toys and you want to arrange them in a row. Find the no of ways to arrange them? |
5. You have 5 flowers and you have to arrange them in 2 Flower Vass. How many ways it can be arranged? |
6. Your father asked you to arrange your 4shoes in an order. How many ways you can arrange them? |
7. You are planning to plant 5 different kinds of plants in your garden in a row. How many ways you can plant them? |
8. You have to arrange 3 keys in 2 different places. How many ways you can arrange them? |
9. How many ways can the 3 books be arranged in the book shelf? |
10. You have drawn 5 flowers in your notebook and you are going to use red and yellow color to color them. How many ways you can given colors. Each flower should have only one color. |
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